Halloween and Pumpkin Pick 2022
We love Halloween! There are so many fun traditions and parties and goodies around every corner!
This year, the high school orchestra decided to take part in a Halloween concert. Ian plays the bass and dressed up like a ghost with the other bassists.
We decided that Halloween weekend would be a good time to winterize the cabin. Unfortunately, it was the same weekend as the school carnival, so we would have to miss. But we decided to have our own carnival at the cabin and we bought prizes and made treats. Each of the kids was in charge of a game and we ended up having a lot of fun!
Charlotte also inspired us to create a "Scary Halloween Painting" for family home evening.
Tanner showed off pictures of the treat stash that he was sent by his companion's family! He had fun organizing the treats, but did end up sharing it with a boy that they were teaching.
Ashlyn showed off her sense of humor with her Halloween costume where she took Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock's classic black turtleneck photo, fanny pack, and all!
Whitlee decided to be a cheerleader this year and had a cheerleading costume that had been given to her by a Young Woman who was our minister a couple of years back and knew Whitlee loved the cheerleaders!
Bronson decided that Halloween would be a good excuse to get that Taysom Hill jersey he had been wanting. But since they were so expensive, we bought some iron on paper and made our own. I think we did a pretty darn good job!
And Charlotte decided that she would embrace bell bottoms coming back into fashion and became a hippy for Halloween.
Ian went low key with a BYU jersey and was a good sport about being a ghost with the orchestra. Since most of our kids were wearing sports gear, Zac and I decided to be sports fans and we set up a tailgating party at the ward Trunk or Treat. We even had some pretty awesome smoke bombs that we put in our grill to make it look like we were cooking up something special!

Pumpkin Pick 2022
Tanner was able to pull off a jack-o-lantern while in the mission field in Lincoln Nebraska and carved a temple!
Ian got creative and made a pretty sweet banjo.
Like Tanner, Bronson also went with a temple theme and couldn't believe that anyone would purposely not vote for the temple!
And Whitlee made a Happy Little Waterfall scene that would make Bob Ross Proud!
Zac got very artistic and recreated the Hagia Sophia with gourds and pumpkins. It was a pretty amazing creation and especially impressive because he had just been there!
And Lori decided to do a little photo reverse engineering and made it look like she had put together a complicated 3D pumpkin puzzle!
Lori knocked it out of the Ballpark this year, which was quite sad as Zac really did make an amazing pumpkin display! And Charlotte dominated with the kids. I love seeing everyone's creative cogs turning as we put on the pumpkin pick every year. It gets harder and harder as the years go by to come up with completely original content, but so worth the efforts!