Christmas 2022
Our Christmas season started a little earlier than usual this year. Since Christmas was Grandma Kris' favorite time of the year and she was pretty much the Queen of Christmas, we decided to put up our Christmas decorations the week of Thanksgiving right after Grandma's funeral to help us feel closer to her.
I love our manger scene and our Gifts to Christ tradition, and of course, the Elf on the Shelf showed back up on December 1st to cause some mischief!
Ian got into the Christmas spirit whiel we were decorating!
Here he is modeling a stadium snuggy that we got at Zac's work party!
For our Christmas cards this year, we all decorated snowmen that represented accomplishments and interests that we worked on throughout the year.
Charlotte: Basketball, Volleyball, and Violin
Whitlee: Baking, Puppies, Gymnastics, Baptism, and Piano
Ian: Football, Skiing, and Driver's License
Bronson: Cello, Basketball, and Football
Zac: Trip to Albania and Travel
Lori: Baking and Saying Goodbyes- to Kris, Tanner, and Ashlyn
Tanner: Missionary Work!
Ashlyn: Graphic Design
Zac took the youth in our ward to a trip in Salt Lake, so Bronson, Whitlee and I had a day to ourselves and what did we do??? We baked NINJABREAD MEN!

We had our annual West Jeff friends party at Connor and Kim's this yar. We were supposed to wear our Christmas sweaters. Zac didn't have one, so he wore a construction safety vest!
On Christmas Eve Eve (Dec. 23rd) we always do our own family party where we eat snacks, play games, do an activity and let the kids open presents from each other. This year we decided to try a climbing gym. The kids loved it and it was fun to watch them work together to help each other climb as they belayed.

We spent Christmas Eve with Grandpa Rich this year and the Fillmore cousins. Before the party, we decided to go sledding at the sand dunes. It was a blast!
Grandma Kris wasn't there, but we tried to keep all of our traditions alive. We still acted out the Nativity. Ian was Joseph and Whitlee was Mary.
And I was able to make ties for all of the boys out of dresses and shirts that were once Grandma Kris'. We were able to share a testimony to them that the greatest joy they could bring their Grandma would be to keep themselves worthy to serve missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
After the big party at Grandpa's the kids snuggled in Bronson's room to have their annual sleepover. It felt so weird without Tanner there!
But fortunately, a kind family took in six missionaries for Christmas Eve and fed and entertained them. I feel so grateful to them. They even shared this awesome picture of Tanner:
On Christmas Morning, the kids were waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a set of canvas pictures of the kids fishing to give to Zac to hang up at the cabin!
Santa did not disappoint, though it is getting hard to realize we don't have little kids anymore and it is so sad that we don't see all of the fun train sets and toys of the past set up.

After presents and church (Christmas was on a Sunday!) Zac and Whit zonked out! And Ashlyn also fell asleep with her new heated blanket.

The girls got Lego sets that made flower bouquets!
And Whitlee got a really cool watch that she loves!
The boys got Lego car sets... a Camero and a Mustang
And Happy Day! I got my first ever brand new washer and dryer for Christmas!!
And this year we tried something new! We put off our Martineau party until the day after Christmas. We rented out Flips gym and had a ball with our cousins playing on all of the toys and equipment there.
Afterwards, we all gathered back at Grandma and Grandpa Martineaus for a gift card exchange and a lot of EATING and of course Grandma's traditional slush. It was a great tradition and I hope it continues!
What I love most about Christmas is the opportunity to think about Christ more as well as the many excuses to get together with family and loved ones. I am so thankful for my loved ones and so grateful to my Heavenly Father for sending His Son and for Jesus Christ and the role he so willingly paid so that we can have what we have.