Back to School 2022
Not only did summer go by fast this year, but life is just going by at warp speed. This year was exceptionally weird as we only had 4 kids headed off to school. Tanner was busily working on his home MTC and Ashlyn was finishing up a summer job and getting ready to move into her college apartment and start her own back-to-school story.
3rd Grade with Mrs. Mathews and Mrs. Hammond
5th Grade with Mrs. Davison
And Bronson wanted to get a back-to-school picture of Mom and Dad. Unfortunately, I didn't put as much time into my hair, clothes, and make up choices as the back-to-school kids did.
Charlotte was happy to leave a little later, as Ian can drive to school now and part of the deal is that he lets Charlotte ride with him. She started 7th grade at the junior High this year.
And this guy is a Sophomore at the high school this year. Time is going way too fast!
A weekend after these guys started school, dropped Tanner off at the Provo MTC and helped Ashlyn move into her new college apartment at the Nauvoo House Apartments in Rexburg.

She has started some graphic design classes and is finding that she loves them and that she has a talent for graphic design and art! We are so excited to watch as her many talents continue to develop!