Happy 100th Birthday Grandma Flamm!

This year would have marked my Grandma Flamm's 100th birthday.  My sister Annie had the idea that we should go visit her at the cemetery, go to lunch, and go drive around some of the places that hold the dearest memories of our sweet grandma.

We were missing Lyndsay as she was home with Covid and it wasn't quite the same without her.

As always when I get together with my sisters and my mom, tons of laughter ensues.

We didn't think through what the conditions at the local cemetery might be like in early March and were surprised to find several feet of snow covering the gravestones.  It became a treacherous hike trying to get to Grandma's grave marker to leave some balloons while trying not to trip over any of the other grave markers hiding in the snow.
Kellie sunk and lost her shoe.

And several of us ended up in the snow.

But we persevered and Grandma got her balloon bouquet.

At lunch, just to keep the laughs rolling, Kellie spilled an entire glass of water all over her pants.  We couldn't stop laughing.

Through all of the silliness, I couldn't help but think that Grandma was aware of our celebration and smiling at the antics of her girls.  I sure think of her often and hope that she has the opportunity to be part of our lives from the other side of the veil.

Love you, Grandma.  Happy 100th! 
