Easter at the Cabin

Because there were no snow days at school this year, the kids actually got to have a Spring Break and it happened to be over Easter weekend.  We decided to do something special and we decided to go open up the cabin and give it a nice Spring cleaning and enjoyed Easter at the cabin this year.

We have never had Easter at the cabin before, so we weren't sure if the Easter Bunny would find us or not.  We left him a note at home just to be safe.

And find us he did!

There were lots of great new places to hide candy!

Tanner is always the ring leader of getting everyone up at the crack of dawn and lining up at the stairs yelling for Mom and Dad to see if they can come down yet.

Bronson loved his new bow and arrow and was so enthralled by it, he didn't even want to hunt for candy.

Charlotte was all about the candy this year.

Ashlyn and Tanner were great at finding it in the tricky locations and high spots.

Ian was so busy putting together a model fire engine that he didn't want to hunt for candy either.

Charlotte got a balloon animals kit.

Ashlyn got a drawing kit.

And Tanner also got an archery set, but would have been just as thrilled with a big basket of candy and a sofa.

The Easter Bunny came early Saturday morning and we headed home Saturday night so that we could have a relaxing Easter Sunday where we didn't have to clean and work.  We enjoyed our Easter Sunday immensely as we made our traditional Resurrection Rolls and talked about the Savior.  We also had the good fortune to listen to LDS General Conference this year on conference Sunday and we had a wonderful holiday filled with the Spirit of the season.


Kris saidā€¦
Grandma and Grandpa were still finding candy the next weekend when we were up there! That Easter Bunny sure hid them in very unusual places!