Our Gift to Christ

I bought this cute little advent calendar a couple of years back and I love it.  It is now one of my kids' favorite Christmas traditions.  Last year I spent a pretty penny stocking it with little prizes and candies.  This year I decided to try a different approach.  I really wanted to make an effort this year to keep Christ as the focus of our Christmas.  Every day when the kids wake up, they open up a door on the advent calendar.  Inside each door is a candy per child and a strip of paper that tells us what our gift to Christ for the day will be.  Our challenge today is to say "hi" to someone we have never said hi to before.  After we have all completed the day's gift, then we put the strip of paper in this pretty box that is wrapped like a gift.  On Christmas Eve night, we will put it under the tree for Christ.

Some of the things on my list include viewing that nativities at the Museum of Idaho, shoveling the walks of the church, watching the Christmas devotional, and some just as simple as smiling at someone who needs a smile, or sending a thank you note.  I am really looking forward to a Christ filled Christmas.


Leia said…
What a great idea, I love it! I might have to make a version of that for my family.
Awesome idea Lori, I love it. These are things I need to remember as Kherrington gets older!!