The Quest for the BYU Box

Every year for the past several years our family has been on a quest for the BYU 50 Box.  Every year to countdown to the start of BYU football, the BYU team does a 50 day count down.  They hide a flag (or 5 if you live in Idaho) in every state in the United States, one state every day.  The first person to the flag, or to complete a challenge wins the BYU box.  This year, the box contained custom BYU Nike shoes and four awesome shirts and we wanted it really bad.  And we were so excited to find out that they would be stopping in Blackfoot this year to drop a box, which they didn't do last year.  So we woke up, put on our BYU apparel and waited.  (You have to be wearing BYU apparel to win).  I was just sure that they were going to drop the box at Jensen's Grove this year, but the older boys weren't as convinced.
Tanner kept close tabs on Twitter waiting for the tweet with a picture of the drop location.

Meanwhile, the rest of us played on the toys at at Jensen's Grove while we waited. 

Look at that true blue BYU hottie.

Finally, the boys couldn't sit still and they left Ashlyn and I with the three youngest at Jensen's Grove and went driving around town.  And it was good that they did, because they were right, it wasn't dropped at Jensen's Grove.  It was dropped at the Idaho Potato Museum and they so happened to find the BYU crew setting up before the drop picture was posted.  Therefore, they were among the first ones there and they got to compete to win some prizes.  Ian won a BYU shirt and Tanner won an awesome picture of Taysom Hill.

Zac came back for the rest of us and we got to meet Cosmo. 

Whitlee wanted nothing to do with Cosmo and refused to be anywhere close to his proximity for the picture.

Cosmo thought he would be pretty cool and stole Ashlyn's hat to wear over his ear.

These are all of people that made it in time for the box drop in Blackfoot.

It sure is fun to have an Alma Matter that does so many fun things.  We love to cheer for BYU.
