The Baby

Our baby isn't so much of a baby anymore.
Even though she still likes to be wrapped up and cuddled and sang too.  She loves to pretend that she is a baby cooing and gooing at us.

But she isn't a baby.  She is in fact VERY 2. Take that to mean what you will. 

And though she does some TERRIBLE things like the entire month when 90% of what she said was, "I AM WHITLEE!" screamed in each and every one of our faces over and over.  And like the times when she REFUSES to let me comb her hair or help her to get dressed and she ends up in town with her underwear on sideways, shirt on inside out and pants on backwards, with two mismatched shoes on the wrong feet and her hair looking like she put her finger in an electric socket.

But, she can also be very sweet and funny.  She is the only kid I have ever had that packs around baby dolls.  All day long my dish towels disappear as they turn into blankies for dollies, which she then lovingly tucks into her bed.  She has her entire family wrapped around her little finger with her silliness and sweetness.  We are so happy to have our little caboose, terribleness and all.

She loves to sing I am a Child of God and her ABC's.  I love how in this video she combines the two when she sings, "ABCDEFGH...I am a child of God."  She cracks me up.

Playing Spider Man with Bronson:

My little Mona Lisa:
