Run!: Part 3 WE MOVED!!!!

I started this post typing everything that has happened in the last 5 years to bring us to this point in the Fillmore Saga, but it was a lot of information, so I will just bring you up to speed with what has happened in the last several months instead, though it all interconnects nicely with our whole life's story to see the Lord's hand in all that we have done and been blessed with...

About 3 years ago, give or take, Zac was offered a nice job with MBA Construction in Blackfoot.  It is a great job and provides for our family well.  The only problem was, it is in Blackfoot and we lived in Rigby.  So as soon as Zac accepted the position, we put the house up for sale hoping to move somewhere closer to Blackfoot to save on that 45 minute commute to work every day.  The house sat on the market for 2 1/2 years, during which time, I got pregnant with, had Charlotte, and got pregnant with Bronson.  I showed the house at least 100 times, rain or shine, pregnancy or post c-section and it was getting old!  During the Christmas holidays, I asked Zac to take the house off the market as I was getting signficantly pregnant and needed a break.  The plan was to put it back on the market after I recovered from my c-section sometime in March.

MEANWHILE:  I was on Facebook one day looking at pictures my sister had posted of my children.  I noticed that a childhood friend who lived in Rigby posted that she had put her house for sale and was hoping to find something a little more roomier for her family.  I made a comment to the effect of "You should come buy my house." Seriously not thinking anything would ever come from it.  2 weeks later, her house sold.  Yes, that's right, her house was only on the market for 2 weeks!!!  She e-mailed me and said is your house seriously for sale, to which I replied, "Yes of course!!!"  At this point, I was 3 days away from my scheduled c-section and told her to come on over and see it.  (It is amazing Bronson didn't come that night after a day of frenzy cleaning.)  She walked the house and said that she just really had an amazing feeling that this was going to work out for them.  She asked me about the price.  I told her that since we were not listed with a realtor currently that I would come down on the price 5% for them, which happened to put it in their price range.  I went into the hospital on Tuesday, my poor mother-in-law (bless her soul!!) cleaned so that they could walk through the house again on Wednesday and on our last night in the hospital we had an offer!!!

Through a lot of prayer and fasting, everything worked out right and we had to be out of our house by the end of March.  I got to start packing a week after having a new baby!!! (not recommended, but I am not complaining).  Zac and I were able to find a rental house in Shelley with 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and best of all a fenced yard.  The price works out and they let us bring the dog.  It has a single car garage that we are able to use to store a lot of our stuff and we are currently looking for land in which to build our dream home.

There have been so many times through this experience that we have seen the Lord's hand in this process.  Just the fact that we tried in vain to sale the house and it only sold when we weren't trying confirms to us that the Lord is in charge not us.  Because we know that we are being guided and directed, Zac and I are so excited to see how this all turns out!  We hope to make an offer on a piece of land in the next several weeks and then we will be building a home that we have been designing for the last several years! 
The new rental, kitty corner from Shelley High School

The fenced backyard

There are so many parks and fun things to do near our house.  We have been having so much fun exploring and playing.

Through all of this the kids have been amazing.  Never complaining about leaving their home, school, or friends and viewing everything as a fun and new adventure.  They think the rental house we are staying in is the best.  They started their new school today, and even though I had nightmares all night for them, they came home just bursting to tell me about their "millions of new friends" and their "best teacher in the world"!

The Lord has definately got our backs!


Kris saidā€¦
So glad the kids had a good day at their new school.
Tiffany saidā€¦
I love how the Lord watches out for us in all we do. I am so glad for you and your family!
USA saidā€¦
I've been waiting to see! Thanks for posting! It looks BEAUTIFUL! Congrats and THANKS for letting us drop by on such short notice, while I KNOW you had way more things to do than to sit around and visit, and feed my family, and such. I'm excited to come visit!! Good luck!
Holly saidā€¦
I'm so glad you are settling in nicely... even though we miss you like crazy here. :)
Annie Bingham saidā€¦
I get to come Apr.12-14 (G has a dr.'s visit), we'd love to come see your new abode. Maybe on our way home. I'll call you w/ in the next week. It looks like a good place!