Healing in His Wings

A couple of years ago at Christmas time, I got out my gospel art kit and had each of the kids pick out a picture that they liked and then we read the story on the back.  Ian, who was 3 at the time, picked this picture of Christ and told me, "Mommy read me this story about Jesus being a butterfly."

At the time that struck me with such significance.  Never had I looked at this picture before and thought about how Christ's cape could be conceived as butterfly wings.  And when I thought about it further, I thought how Jesus really is a butterfly.  After the crucifixion, he was wrapped in a cocoon and laid in a tomb for 3 days when he then emerged as a beautiful "butterfly".

Well, today I was reading in my Book of Mormon.  I am in 2 Nephi, which can be difficult to understand as Nephi quotes many chapters in Isaiah.  I was having a bad attitude wondering why I even bother to read 2 Nephi, as I often feel confused and don't understand a lick of what I am reading.  But today a passage really hit me that I hadn't noticed before:
2 Nephi 25:13
13 Behold, they will acrucify him; and after he is laid in a bsepulchre for the space of cthree days he shall drise from the dead, with healing in his wings; and all those who shall believe on his name shall be saved in the kingdom of God. Wherefore, my soul delighteth to prophesy concerning him, for I have eseen his day, and my heart doth magnify his holy name.

I am sure I have read this passage several times before, but never had the image or symbolism of Christ's wings hit me with such immensity.  Immediately after reading this, I thought of Ian's picture of Jesus as a butterfly.  What are the odds that I would discover this gem two days before Easter?

I just wanted to express my gratitude at this Easter time that my Lord and Savior died for me on the cross and how eternally grateful I am that he rose from the dead with healing in his wings.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter filled with the love of the Savior!


Kris saidā€¦
I was just barely telling a student about Ian saying that about Jesus being a butterfly and your analogy of the tomb, etc.and then lo and behold, I looked on your blog and there it was again!
What a neat analogy! Out of the mouth of babes...