Where Did June Go: Part IV Randomness
This post brings me to the end of my series of "Where did June Go?" As you can see we have had a lot of fun this month and are definately getting a bang for our buck on our Summer Vacation!
When Ashlyn was in charge of FHE, she decided that she wanted to try a recipe out of her "My Littlest Petshop" coloring book. This was a recipe for Peppermint Cheesecake. She helped me make it and as a finishing touch, she decided to put a heart shaped cookie cutter in the center as a decoration. She was so proud of the finished product that she wanted this photo to commemorate it before we ate it!
We have also come up with some clever snacks. These are clamshells that we made with some Vanilla Wafers, some pink frosting and some leftover Easter sixlets. They were a hit, as are the many S'mores we have cooked up in the microwave.
Tanner in his scout shirt digging up some mushrooms at the cabin, I can say that I will probably not be using these to cook up any summer fun.
Ian getting in his Zoolander mode, as we prepared to take family pictures at the cabin. This boy has become quite the model, he has all sorts of patented poses and facial expressions that we are lucky enough to witness when he pulls them out for portrait sessions.
We discovered that Charlotte likes the Splash Park, but especially likes the Caurosel at the Splash Park, I am so mad that I forgot to take a picture of her on the Caurosel, she bawled when the ride was over.
Getting wet
Getting dry
Family movies
ļ»æWith lots of popcorn!
And lots of laying around and gazing at the clouds.
We have also been...
-Read, read, reading in the summer reading time program at the library
-Craft, craft, crafting
-Having slumber parties with siblings
-Playing outdoors with neighborhood friends
-Riding bikes
-Practicing the piano for piano lessons
-And celebrating birthdays and holidays
What a busy and great summer, we hope it never ends!