Ian's Preschool Graduation
For Ian's preschool this year, some mom's from the neighborhood got together and we each took a turn teaching preschool for a month. I absolutely love this arrangement for so many reasons. Some of them being, that Ian had a great preschool experience for free, I had fun putting together my own preschool lessons for the months of November and December, and I have formed such a bond of friendship with the other preschool moms.
To celebrate graduation, we took a field trip to the local fire station, where a wonderful fire fighter gave us some good safety tips, and let us tour the fire trucks.
Ian came prepared with his firefighter hat from his Halloween costume. He was in Heaven being in there with all of the fire trucks and equiptment.
Climbing through a fire truck.
Trying out a real firefighter's helmet.
ļ»æIan holding his preschool diploma (wrapped around a bottle of bubbles) posing with preschool friends Lincoln and Anna.