Where Did June Go: Part I Baseball

The next several blog posts are all a part of a series I like to call "The Month of June and Where it Went"... We will start our tour of the month of June with "Baseball!"  Baseball has been an all consuming sport this year as Ian was old enough to sign up for Tee Ball and Ashlyn and Tanner were old enough for pitching machine this year which meant that they were in a different league than Ian.... which also meant that we have had baseball games every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night as long as it wasn't too rainy to play. That's not to say that we didn't play some games in a "light" rain.

 Look at my little slugger at his first game.  Isn't he adorable.  He was so excited to be one of the big kids this year.

 This boy is a natural, look at that throwing arm, and as you could see in the previous post he is also an excellent fielder.  When other kids are picking dandelions, this boy is ready to snag the ball.

 And boy can he hit.  You should see this boy smack one off the tee.  He has had a wonderful time playing this year and he will be sad when it is over.

 This girl got a huge shock this year when she stepped up to the plate and saw that giant pitching machine hurling a ball towards her bat.  I have to say that it was a pretty intimidating leap from tee ball to pitching machine, and even though Ashlyn hasn't had a hit this season (other than a few fouls), she has been a tropper, sticking out the season and working hard when she is out field.

This boy lives for any kind of sports (even if he has to wear a purple shirt... shhhhh don't tell him, he's color blind and he thinks he is on the blue team!) and has even gotten some good hits off of that scary pitching machine this year.  He has really enjoyed the season and made some great friends in the process.

ļ»æThe good old purple dragons! 
P.S. this is me standing behind the paid photographer snapping my own photo because I didn't want to fork out the $6 each to buy the professional photo!
