More Cabin Pictures and Mush about Zac
My sister Lyndsay was one of the many distinguished guests that was able to come to the cabin over Ian's birthday weekend, and I should also mention that she and Ian share the same birthday. Ian loves to have his birthday buddy. She calls him George and he calls her Man with the Yellow Hat. The have a special relationship. Lyndsay has recently taken up photography and she is getting quite a knack for it. These are some of the pictures that she took of our cabin stay.
Ashlyn crafting
As far as Ashlyn is concerned, Heaven is sitting at a table surrounded by craft supplies. Thanks Aunt Lyndsay for bringing us a craft to do!
Charlotte, strapped safely in her high chair anticipating some gourmet cabin cuisine. Check out that bed head, I love it. This is how she usually looks due to the fact that 10 seconds after I have put any ponytail, clip, or bow in her hair, she pulls it out.
Charlotte's favorite place to be? Anywhere with an element of danger, like the middle of a road...
Don't you love this stage? Char is just starting to learn to give kisses. Disgusting, yet precious at the same time.
It was so quiet in Island Park this weekend, we actually got some good weather and took a spin on a paddle boat. It looks like we all have mad expressions on our face, but we really were having fun.
ļ»æTanner was determined to catch a fish. One of his most favoritest things to do at the cabin is set minnow and crawdad traps and then check them every five minutes give or take.
We had a great time at the cabin and always come back refreshed and energized. Thanks Grandma for your generosity in letting us crash at the cabin. We love you!
Now.... on to the mushy part about Zac.
It was recently the big guys birthday and I DID take a picture of his birthday brownies with 32 candles in them. And I DID have the most adorable picture of the birthday boy enjoying his new anti-gravity patio chair, but for some stupid reason, my camera corrupted those files?!? So instead of visually seeing my sweet Baboo, you get to just hear about him. Did I also mention it is our TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY today? So bear with me, I am in a mushy mood.
I love Zac because...
He treats me like a queen. Not a day goes by without him telling me how much he loves he, appreciates me, and thinks that I am beautiful.
He is super smart. No matter where he is in life, at work, fulfilling a church calling, camping in the forest, he always finds a way to make things better, easier, and more efficient. He blows me away with his vast knowledge of everything. I quit making trivial bets with him long ago!
He is a great dad. He absolutely adores his children and choses to spend every spare minute with us entertaining us, playing with us, and teaching us. He would have 20 kids if I was willing, and he would be a great dad to all of them.
He is crazy funny. He cracks me up everyday making me laugh and smile.
He is inventive and artistic. I love to see all of the amazing creations that come out of his brain.
He is understanding and patient. I can't ever fight with this guy because he is far too calm and level headed. He is my rock.
I love you Zachy Boy! Happy Anniversary and Birthday!