Where Did June Go: Part III Fun with Cousins
How blessed are we to live so close to 15/18 of our cousins? Very blessed. We do lots of fun things together in the summer, such as...
Eating lunch together at the local elementary school. The government has this awesome program for parents who are too lazy to feed their children lunch, you just find a participating elementary school and they will feed your kids for you! We have made great use of the program, because we are in fact lazy moms!
Fun at the zoo! Alyza and Charlotte checking out the goats. Notice how cute Alyza's hair is, her mother always has it done so cute! To be fair, I also did make Charlotte's hair cute, but usually within 5 minutes she pulls everything out and gives herself a noogie.
These cute little cousins really did "hatch" about the same time, they are only four days apart. too bad, those Bingham cousins live two hours away, we would love to get these girls together more often.
Ian with the goats
Everyone needs a tall daddy, they are great for lifting you up high so that you can see!
Good brothers
Fun on the zoo toys
Every mother needs a picture of their children on the tiger statue at the Idaho Falls zoo, maybe I will start making this my annual Christmas card... which reminds me, Mom...
Me, Annie, and Kellie thought you might want to use this for your Christmas card this year. Feel free to copy/ paste.
Ashlyn and cousin Meg in matching outfits hanging out at the cabin during our annual Fillmore/Powell retreat
ļ»æAnd Ian and cousin Brock having fun at the Splash Park
We love you cousins and can't wait for our coming Martineau retreat!