Ten Things We Love About Charlotte

 Dress up with cousin Paige

 Chillin' with cousin Dax

 Sorry this is so blurry, but Charlotte likes to sneak in Ian's room at night when he is asleep and she jumps up and down on him and bounces on his head and he never even wakes up.  Here she is cuddled in drinking a bottle with him.

 She loves to stand at the door and watch the kids and the dog.  She is so good at standing, but still a chicken when it comes to walking.

 This girl is obsessed with the laundry and always has to be in it, on top of it, and unloading it onto the floor.

ļ»æAnd her favorite article of clothing is UNDERWEAR, plug your eyes if this is going to gross you out, but she likes to get the kids underwear when they are in the tub, then she throws it in the water, fishes it out, and then sucks the water out of it.  The kids think it is so hilarious!  Don't worry, I don't let it get gross.

1.  She LOVES to bite our toes, and will bite the couches/ chairs/ anything when she is mad at us.
2.  She is addicted to binkis and hides them from mom and then goes and gets them when she needs a quick binki fix.
3.  She is a peek-a-boo enthusiast and will keep herself entertained for a long time with a blanket, even if no one is watching her.
4.  She is an expert at unloading drawers and cupboards and has a knack for knowing which ones she should NOT be in. 
5.  She can unroll a toilet paper roll in 30 seconds flat and then shreds it and spreads it all over the house.
6.  She has the cutest little curls and the biggest blue eyes you have ever seen.
7.  She is extremely social and loves to tell everyone she sees, "Hi!" especially babies her own age.
8.  She loves her brothers and sister and squeals with delight when they come home from school.
9.  She growls and pretends she is a monster and giggles when we scream, then she screams too to mimic us.
10.  She is the absolute sunshine of our lives.  I think the favorite point of all of our days is when we get to see and play with Charlotte.  We don't know what we would do without her!

Love you Charli!  Happy 1st Birthday! ļ»æ
