Sprinter Time Fun

Spring and Winter are locked in a death battle here where we live and we are stuck in that nasty in between season, "Sprinter".  Sprinter is the worst!  It is not snowy enough to go out and enjoy playing in the snow, but it is also not warm enough to enjoy playing outside in the Springtime weather, so we are stuck inside.

To fight off cabin fever, these are some of the fun things we did this week!

Using our glasses, Ian and I made a rainbow xylophone, which kept him busy for the better part of the morning, and when the music making got old, color mixing took over!

Tanner was in charge of FHE this week and he chose brownies for his treat.  This 6-year old boy made the brownies start to finish completely by HIMSELF!  He even pre-heated the oven, read the directions on the box, cracked the eggs, measured the oil and the water, and mixed everything together in a mixing bowl with a whisk.  He sprayed the pan with cooking spray, put everything in and even put the pan in the oven by himself.  He timed the brownies and took them out of the oven when they were done.  I did not even check to make sure his measurements were right, I wanted to see if he could do it.  And HE DID!  They were fabulous brownies.  It about made me cry to think how old my kids are getting, but also super excited, now if I want brownies, I can just send the kids into the kitchen.  The best part is, he even CLEANED up after himself.  What a good boy!  He is going to make an excellent husband some day.
Did you notice the chocolate on his face, I think he sampled the batter.

Daddy brought us home some extra plan paper he had from work and told us we could use it for whatever we wanted, so when Daddy was at mutual this week, we took that plan paper and made ourselves a board game.  Each of us drew a path from the "Start" cloud to the pot of gold that marked the "End".  Then we made rainbow shortcuts between our paths.

We put 20 star spaces on various parts of the path, then the kids and I made action cards for the star spaces.  The kids wrote funny things you had to do if you landed on the star space, and mom made consequence cards that made us go back to start, or trade spaces with another player.  The kids cards were so funny, they involved acting like a robot dog, smacking your game piece, sticking your tongue out, and even one that just said, "Look at Mom".

Here is Ashlyn's crab game piece reaching the end.  Tanner made himself a lizard game piece, I was a lady bug, and Ian made a car.  We laughed hard and had a really great night together... so beats TV!ļ»æ


Kris saidā€¦
I swear, Lori, you are the most patient, best mom that ever lived!
My grandkids are very blessed to have a mom like you who lets them do "stuff"!