Charlotte's Birthday Party in Pictures
A ladybug cake for our little bug!
A joint party with cousin Alyza, who is only 4 days older than Charlotte!
The birthday girls eagerly awaiting their cupcakes.
Alyza's adorable butterfly cake and cupcakes
What was I thinking using red frosting?!?ļ»æ
Babies and cupcakesļ»æ
The after-cupcake bathļ»æ (cousin Paige joined in!)
All 15 Martineau Cousins... Wow! We are growing exponentially, you wouldn't believe the noise we can make when we are all in the same room! It is so fun living this close to all of our cousins.ļ»æ
The ladybug cupcakes that Ashlyn, Tanner, and Ian helped decorate. The ladybugs are red M&M's with black frosting dabbed on them and the leaves are Airhead taffies.ļ»æ