Zac and Lori's Memorial Birthday Extravaganza
1) I love that we have the same birthday. I feel like we set that up ahead of time before we came into this mortality. My mom even went 20 days overdue with me and they even tried to start her into labor and it didn't work and she got sent home. I was holding out for May 30th.
2) Zac is a hard worker. In every job that Zac has ever had, he won't even take a lunch break because he doesn't want to cheat his employer out of even one minute of hard work. He gives every job he gets his all and is always finding better ways to do things.
3) Zac is an inventor. His mind is always churning cranking out useful and not-so useful things. Sometimes I take for granted that not everyone has things like diaper chutes.
4) Zac loves to learn. When Zac and I took a class together at BYU it was a battle between us of where to sit. Zac loves to sit front and center, paying attention to every word and asking questions. I like to be in the back where I can doze off, doodle, or talk to my friends. Zac got a perfect attendance award in high school. No matter what he is learning, he soaks it up and gets the most out of it.
5) Zac is fun. When we were dating, he always had something creative for us to do, a gun shoot out, sledding while hooked to the back of a truck, science experiment nights, and one night he even brought over a whole slug of candles that he had purchased at DI. The idea was to melt them down and dip candles! Even now, he always has something fun and creative to do with me and the kids. We love being with him.
6) He is so good. Things are so black and white to him. He has never had a desire to be even a little wild. He has always had a short, neat missionary cut and the worst thing he probably ever did in his life was throw a tomato at a play in high school!
7) His favorite food is frozen raspberries and cream.
8) He loves classical and instrumental music and especially the bagpipes (for our first Christmas while dating, he gave me an "I Love Bagpipe Music" CD.
9) He is a great dad. Our kids beg me to let them call him all day long at work and when he gets home, everyone runs screaming to the garage because they can't wait to tackle their dad. He does not get mad or upset. He has a way of making the kids laugh even when they are trying to be mad or defiant. When he comes home, he shuts off the TV and it doesn't go on for the rest of the night because he is too busy playing with his kids.
10) He is a wonderful husband. He is not one to fight. He makes sure that I know he loves me. He treats me like a queen and is so helpful with the kids and household. I can talk for hours and hours with Zac and never run out of things to say, even after 9 years. He is intelligent, funny, and kind.
I love you Zac! Happy Birthday!