Happy Birthday Ian!
1) He is so smart. He can spell his name and impresses his Great Grandma Gerry with his intelligence every time he spells it! He also knows his ABC's and is very good at remembering and singing songs (especially, Boom, Boom, Pow by the Black Eyed Peas, which is his favorite song). He also can run any electronic device in the house and if Tanner and Ashlyn want to watch TV or a movie, they have to find Ian to start it for them!
2) He loves family home evening and especially loves to be in charge. He asks me every day, who is in charge (meaning of FHE). When he is in charge, he will play "Popcorn, Popping on the Apricot Tree" on the piano while we sing. He welcomes us all to FHE and then he always calls on himself to say the prayer.
3) He loves Thomas the Train and everytime we go to the library, he knows just where the Thomas movies are. For his birthday he got MANY nice presents. One of them was a little Thomas the Train and guess what his favorite present is!
4) He tells great knock knock jokes. They go like this, "Knock, knock", "Who's there?" "Sureshack" "Sureshack who" "Sureshack wants a doughnut!" and then he laughs and laughs as if he has just made the funniest joke in the world.
5) He is spoiled rotten and hardly ever gets in trouble. He can get out of bedtime or eating his dinner just by giving Zac and I the look and saying cute things.
6) He loves his big brother and sister and tries so hard to keep up with them. He learned how to ride a bike and pedals his little legs off just to keep up. He also gets to do swimming lessons with them this year.
7) His favorite activity is to go bowlin' ball (bowling) and he doesn't even like to use the ramp, he just hefts that big ball up to the lane and throws it as hard as he can.
8) His favorite food is peanut butter sandwhiches, with just peanut butter and nuthin' else. And that is all he wants for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
9) He is incredibly sweet to his little sister and calls her his pretty girl and gives her sweet little kisses.
10) When he is tired he brings his mom his animal blankie and blue blankie and snuggles up and goes right to sleep.
We love our little buddy! Happy Birthday Ian!