After a few days, Ian was finally persuaded that swimming lessons were fun and he would come wake me up at 6AM ready to go with his swimming suit on every morning!

Ashlyn LOVES swimming lessons and was so sad when they were over. She still lives in her swimming suit every day. The swimming suit is a new one we got this year. I took her to Target and picked out about five swimming suits that I thought were all cute, modest, and within our budget. She found the one she is wearing out of place on some odd rack. I thought the other five suits were cuter and even ranked them in cuteness for her. She still thought hers was cuter. I made her try on the ones I thought were cute. She still thought hers was cuter... and since it was modest and in our budget, she won. But I can already tell you that I am going to have a hard time giving up my right to choose my daughters clothes! I didn't know it already started at 5 years old.

Tanner the Fish. Somehow this boy had the "fear factor" removed from his brain and no trick is to scary for him. He went leaping off the edge of the deep end trusting in his ability to swim, went down the water slide all by himself, trusting that he would be able to again swim at the end of it and has started teaching himself to do flips. We had to stop him at a family reunion this weekend when he about flipped off of a picnic table trying to show his grandma that he knows how to do flips! Now if only he could just stop being scared of Disney movies.

We love swimming!