Time for T-Ball
It's that time again... that time when you look at the clock and realize that after you have already run around all day shuttling kids to swimming lessons, library time, and the grocery store, you only have fifteen minutes to make it to the t-ball game and you didn't make dinner, so you cram everyone full of licorice and crackers, dig the bright yellow shirts out of the laundry and yank them on, put a snowsuit on the baby, and run a rake through your daughter's lion mane, and then throw everyone in the van.
Once we get to the t-ball game, we run the kids over to the team, while I balance the baby's car seat carrier, folding chairs, a blanket, and a giant umbrella, not to mention a cooler with Zac's dinner since he didn't get time to come home and eat either. We get everything set up as it starts to downpour on us and then pack it all back up because the game has been called on account of rain!
And we love it all!
Truly, I am amazed this year at how much Tanner and Ashlyn have grown and improved their baseball skills. They are in their second year of t-ball and look so much bigger than the other kids. They can both slam it off the tee and know where all of the bases are. I can't believe how much they are growing up. It will really blow my mind next year when Ian can play!