What's the Worst that Could Happen?

So, I got this adorable outfit set from my good friend Pam as a gift when Charlotte was born. The set came with a shirt, pants, onsie, hat, and pajammas. The other day, I dressed Charlotte in the onsie and went to put the pajammas on her, when I noticed this on the tag...

What the heck do they think I am going to do with them then... they are jammies!
Feeling a little daring, I put them on her anyways AND let her sleep in them. So far, no harm has come to the baby from sleeping in her jammies.


Tay Pam Smith saidā€¦
So sorry!!! I didn't read the tag, I was looking for cutesie...oops! (However, I've noticed that on some of the jammies Colt wears??) Why are they jammies then??!!!
Tay Pam Smith saidā€¦
Charlotte is beautiful, by the way!