The Meanest Mom Ever!
The night before swimming lessons, we put the kids to bed at a good time telling them that they needed their rest for their lessons in the morning. I knelt with Ian by the side of his bed while he prayed and then tucked him in. About ten minutes later, he was up again.
Me: "What are you doing out of bed, you have swimming lessons in the morning!"
Ian: "But I prayed that I could stay up!"
Zac: "What can you say to that?"
Me: "Get back in bed!"
The first day, he screamed and bawled for 50 minutes straight, clinging to his teacher. That night I laid in bed with him and talked about swimming lessons in the morning, and he told me that they make him sick. He said, "First I will puke in my toy box, then I will puke in the swimming pool!"
Fortunately, no puking took place and the next day he didn't scream the whole time, but he didn't exactly particpate either, he just sat on the step and glared at me every 5 minutes.
Finally, today, he actually participated for half of the class. It is my goal that by the end of swimming lessons, he will smile!
Tanner and Ashlyn on the other hand have sprouted fins and swam away to the ocean!