For Father's Day, we gave Zac a minnow trap and a craw dad trap. He had been wanting them for a while. While my kids usually keep pretty good secrets about presents, Ashlyn couldn't help telling Zac, "Happy Father's Day, big Craw Daddy!" all week, so that he pretty much guessed that we had bought the traps.

Zac and the kids heading out to the docks to set the traps.

Pulling up the traps! (The extra kids are my nieces Mardee and Meg).

Fishing with the cousins. The best part of fishing is ALWAYS playing with the worms.

Our crawdad haul. We really caught some big ones. And of course the kids weren't at all scared of picking them up, though their mom screamed when Tanner dropped one near her on the carpet.

The crawdads (miniature lobsters) living in our swimming pool. I can guarantee I won't be swimming in there any time soon.