Charlotte's Blessing Day

We blessed Charlotte on Sunday May 23rd, which was also Ian's birthday. We picked that day because we thought it would be fun to celebrate both events with our family.

I decided to try my hand at croqueting when I was still pregnant. I have only ever croqueted dish clothes before and started to afghans that I never finished, so this was really quite a brave endeavor for me. I thought that the project would keep me busy and occupied throughout the pregnancy, but I got so into it, that I had it finished in 2 weeks! I also croqueted booties and a bonnet to go with it.

Great Grandma Gerry, whom Charlotte Geraldine is named for holding her namesake. In the blessing, Zac blessed Charlotte to be keen of mind, positive and upbeat, and strong in the face of trials, just like her Grandma Gerry.

Charlotte had pretty much had it by this point!

The night before the blessing, we went to McDonalds as part of Ian's birthday celebration. Zac held Charlotte and discussed with her what she would want him to say in her blessing. It was priceless!


Tay Pam Smith saidā€¦
The dress is BEAUTIFUL! I'm so proud of you! I remember that sewing class in college...I'll try to forget it as I'm sure you have!!! LOL! Charlotte is BEAUTIFUL too. Happy times!