St. Patrick's Day 2022

St. Patrick's Day festivities started off for us this year at a party held by our community library.  They had all kinds of fun games, picture stands, stories, and snacks.  We really have the best library!

The kids had been scheming about their leprechaun traps all week and the night before St. Patrick's Day, the traps were carefully laid.

Chairlotte made a pool of Oobleck- a mixture of cornstarch and water that shifts between liquid and solid and she was hoping the leprechauns would become trapped like the effects of quicksand.

Unfortunately, the Oobleck seems to have dried up a bit and the leprechauns used it like play dough to leave her a message.

This year, I set up a picture booth, like our library had done.  I had intended to leave something sticky like a glue trap behind the picture to stick them when they stepped up to take a picture.

Unfortunately, I totally forgot to leave the glue trap and left nothing sticky.  The leprechauns used my photo booth and left us a print to remember them by!

Whitlee decided to make them a pedicure station/ spa since she is all about spas lately.  She had intended to put glue in the pedicure tubs, but...

Like me, she had so much making the trap she totally forgot to add the "trap element" and had no way to actually trap the leprechauns.  They seemed to have enjoyed her spa though and left bubbly water and flower petals as evidence that they had been there.

Ian wrapped a box disguised as a bank and weakened the top which had no botton and was hoping the leprechauns would fall in... to their death?? He left long pointy skewers in the box, hoping to get his leprechaun that way.

The leprechauns made a ladder, used rainbow colored marshmallows to make all of the pointy skewers safe and stole any money or gold that had been in the box.

Bronson made a very cool arcade game and had left a slot in his box that said to "Deposit Gold to Play".

It looks like the leprechauns had deposited their gold, but when the video game didn't work, got angry and cut a hole in the back of the game to get their money back.

Ashlyn tried to send the lephrechauns to boot camp by sending a drill sergeant to order them into her trap.

Unfortunately, the leprechauns changed it to a booty camp and we found the sergeant tied up and roasting over the candle that was left outside Whitlee's spa.

Tanner delights in making the world's most confusing traps where he can't even explain how they are supposed to work.  He just cuts up a box and throws in some random objects and hopes mom and dad will count it as a trap.

Needless to say, he didn't catch a leprechaun, but they stole the popcorn bag that was in there, popped it and made a huge mess.

The leprechauns also laid some traps of their own and left the stairs looking like this.  Their was also a basket hanging over their heads that would come crashing down and trap them if they hit the wrong string.

And the house was left in a bit of a chaotic mess!

Even though those leprechauns sure leave a huge mess, we sure enjoy the silliness of St. Patrick's Day every year!
