Santa and His Reindeer

I adore our little Mommy and Me preschool group that Bronson belongs too.  These Moms go so above and beyond preparing lessons and parties and Bronson is having the most wonderful experience!

This was from his preschool Christmas party the other day:

They are the sweetest little group of kids.  They are so smart and funny.

We also have a wonderful Preschool group at our local library.  Every year the highlight at Christmas time is a visit from this guy: 
Santa is so patient with these kids.  My Bronson is certainly a talker and chatted with Santa for probably 10 minutes before releasing Santa to the other kids.

Whitlee still isn't quite sure why we make her sit on a bearded stranger in a red suit's lap and she wasn't thrilled.  But I bet next year she will be right there with her brother monopolizing the big guys time with her chatter.  We love the magic of Christmas that abounds at this season.
