Basketball Shots

We have just started my favorite season, Basketball!  And I am pretty sure my kids feel the same.  Especially this boy:
Ian is determined to be the best basketball player he can be and he is constantly pushing himself to practice and improve.  Every morning this Summer, he was dragging me out of bed at 7 a.m. to practice with him.  It is so fun to watch him play because he is just so darned determined and intense.

He actually nailed a foul shot in this game, which is miraculous at this age and stage... Zac and I bought him a new water bottle to celebrate this goal.  He also put some additional points on the board as well.  So proud of our Ian.

Then there is this girl: 
I am also reaching new milestones in my life.  For once during basketball season, I am not tending to a newborn baby or pregnant.  I decided it was finally time for me to coach!  I picked a great assistant (Zac) and we put together a team with some of Ashlyn's friends/ classmates.  We are trying so hard to get a win in this year, as Ashlyn hasn't had much luck with basketball in the past.  Though we've lost both games so far, we are confident that we can pull off a win yet!  Because I am coaching, it limits my photographer abilities and so I didn't get as many great shots as I did of the boys.

I can't seem to get a picture of this girl playing without a huge grin.  That is just her personality and I love her for it!

And then there is this kid:
Tanner plays with his heart and soul.  He is so humble and consistent.  He is just always where he needs to be, helping his team especially with rebounds, but also quietly sneaking some points in here and there.  There is no showboating from this kid.  But you can tell that he just enjoys basketball more than any other sport and that makes him so fun to watch.

That one went in.

Love all of our shooting stars!
