Christmas Strings Concert

 The twins recently had a Christmas strings concert, which also incorporate music from the Halloween concert that they were supposed to have, but weren't ready for... so that was interesting, and of course the Halloween piece was their best song!

I really love their strings concerts.  They have a new teacher this year and where last year they had to practice at home from 15 minutes a day... the new teacher likes them to keep their instruments at school and practice there, so I don't hear the songs they are working on until the concerts.

The only downside to concert nights is that the kids have to be there 1 hour early to get "warmed up".  Which means those of us with young children have to sit "patiently" in the auditorium for an hour waiting for the performance to begin.
Which offers ample opportunity for games of "I spy with my little eye" a favorite of this guy.


A favorite of this little lady

And of course there is also lots of time for a good meltdown.
I believe this meltdown occurred because she was asked to "sit in your seat please".

And though I don't have a picture of Ian, he was in sheer misery as he had apparently contracted stomach flu (unbeknownst to me at the time) and spent the rest of the night after getting home spilling the contents of his guts.

And poor Zac missed the whole thing because he was sadly on the road.

You're welcome fellow concert patrons.

However, it was all worth it when these kids came onstage, because you have to admit, that getting a bunch of 5th and 6th graders to play instruments in unison is just miraculous!  I love the opportunities this school district is providing to my children.  We are so blessed. 

Jolly Old St. Nicholas:

Dragon Slayer:
