Tanner's Arrow of Light
Tanner's Cub Scout days are rapidly coming to an end with the approach of his 11th birthday. How did this happen? I swear time is on fast forward at our house. To cap off his Cub Scout career, Tanner recently received his Arrow of Light award. This is the biggest award you can receive as a Cub Scout, it is kind of the equivalent of Eagle for Boy Scouts. Tanner worked really hard and earned lots of Weblo activity pins.
At a special Arrow of Light celebration, our Cub Scout Troop invited Mr. Clark, a mountain man and wonderful story teller to put on an award ceremony for the boys.
He blew his Kuna(?) and summoned them all to an Native American rug, where he then told them the story of an Indian brave named Arrow of Light and the characteristics he had that made him a great leader.
These four boys all received their Arrow of Light awards. We have some great scout leaders in our ward, who really help the boys get it all done.
And through the whole ceremony, Whitlee played with this cutie who is just her age and just moved down the street, who it just so happens is also her Grandpa's cousin's granddaughter. They are practically sisters.
So glad to have such great neighbors and live in such a wonderful community!