
Lately, I have been noticing some eerie twin similiarities between Tanner and Ashlyn. I thought that since they are not identical (shocker to anyone?), that they would not have those weird twin moments. However, I find it interesting that every other week they both wake up in the middle of the night with growing pains. I don't think one has ever woken up complaining of leg aches without the other waking up either the same night or the very next night. Every time we measure their height, they are exactly the same. Even after almost 6-years they have remained milimeters apart in height, and not only that but every time I weigh them, they are to the tenth, the same weight...44.2 lbs. It isn't like they eat the exact same amounts of food every day or even the same foods for that matter.
But what really freaked me out was when we decided to play animal charades for Family Home Evening the other night. We had never played charades with the kids before and I wasn't sure how it would go. They each took turns drawing an animal out of a hat and then had to act the animal out without making any noise. Ashlyn drew the animal, "opossum". I thought that there would be no way Tanner could guess it, but thought maybe Zac could get it. She crawled into the living room and laid down on the floor and stuck out her tongue and two seconds later Tanner yelled, "OPOSSUM", while Zac just sat there scratching his head. On the other hand, Zac acted out a very convincing bear which took them a good 5 minutes to guess before he had to start singing "Bear Necessities"... However Tanner and Ashlyn were totally in tune with each other and it kept cracking us up. Even when Ashlyn drew "penguin" and laid down on the floor and put her arms behind her as if she were gliding down a snow bank, I thought Tanner would never get it and lo and behold the first thing he shouts out, was "PENGUIN!"
Twintuition? or were they secretly cheating? Only time will tell...
In the meantime, we all have IANtuition because they only animal he would act out was a lion, and he would start his turn every time by saying, "I'M A LION, ROOOOOAAAAR!" Needless to say, we guessed his animal every time.