Oh Swell!
This is why I love my kids...
First of all, Zac gave me a Wii Fit for Christmas, so that I can get back in shape after the baby is born. I got it all set up and it created a Mii character for me that portrayed my height and weight. My poor little Mii looked so chubby (because of pregnancy weight) that I got bummed. Tanner hugged me and said, "Oh Mom, it only looks that way because you have a baby in your tummy. You don't look like that!" This boy is going to make a great husband some day...
Then, yesterday I went to the doctor for a regular OB checkup and they found a trace of protein in my urine. That combined with the recent swelling that I have been experienced are symptoms that I might be getting some toxemia again. I was a little bummed. Zac said later that night, "Yeah, I have noticed that your face and hands and feet were starting to look a little puffy." I got a teary, and Ashlyn said, "What's wrong mom?" I said, "Daddy just called me fat!" To which she started hugging me and kissing me and telling me, "Oh Mommy, it's not true. You look great!"
I love having a daughter. I can't wait for another one! And to be fair to Zac, I know he wasn't calling me fat, and he has in fact been so sweet, insisting that I sit and rest while he takes care of everything.
I don't want to scare anyone. My blood pressure is still great and I don't have any of the severe symptoms that I had with the twins. Plus, I am now past the point in my pregnancy where the twins were born, so even if this baby was born soon, she would be 5 lbs or more and would most likely do just fine... but I know they won't take her early unless things get really bad, which I am pretty sure they won't.
This is me right before the twins were born. You can see how swollen and miserable I looked. You can see why the word "toxemia" freaks me out a little.
BUT less than 7 weeks left. That is doable. And even if I end up crossing the finish line looking like a blimp, at least I know that my kids will still think I look great.
First of all, Zac gave me a Wii Fit for Christmas, so that I can get back in shape after the baby is born. I got it all set up and it created a Mii character for me that portrayed my height and weight. My poor little Mii looked so chubby (because of pregnancy weight) that I got bummed. Tanner hugged me and said, "Oh Mom, it only looks that way because you have a baby in your tummy. You don't look like that!" This boy is going to make a great husband some day...
Then, yesterday I went to the doctor for a regular OB checkup and they found a trace of protein in my urine. That combined with the recent swelling that I have been experienced are symptoms that I might be getting some toxemia again. I was a little bummed. Zac said later that night, "Yeah, I have noticed that your face and hands and feet were starting to look a little puffy." I got a teary, and Ashlyn said, "What's wrong mom?" I said, "Daddy just called me fat!" To which she started hugging me and kissing me and telling me, "Oh Mommy, it's not true. You look great!"
I love having a daughter. I can't wait for another one! And to be fair to Zac, I know he wasn't calling me fat, and he has in fact been so sweet, insisting that I sit and rest while he takes care of everything.
I don't want to scare anyone. My blood pressure is still great and I don't have any of the severe symptoms that I had with the twins. Plus, I am now past the point in my pregnancy where the twins were born, so even if this baby was born soon, she would be 5 lbs or more and would most likely do just fine... but I know they won't take her early unless things get really bad, which I am pretty sure they won't.
BUT less than 7 weeks left. That is doable. And even if I end up crossing the finish line looking like a blimp, at least I know that my kids will still think I look great.