Our Happy Valentine's Day
This was Tanner and Ashlyn's first year to have Valentine's Day at school (even if they did have to celebrate it on February 10th because of their stupid Monday, Wednesday, every other Friday schedule... but that is a different post). They were so excited to take Valentine's to give to their friends. For some reason, I thought it would be fun to make our own, rather than buy a box of premade Valentines. Little did I know it would cost twice as much and take an entire day to make... but the kids were so proud when they were done, and they were one of the only ones in their class to make their own.
Ashlyn's were butterflies with a stick of gum in the center and say, "Fluttering by to say "Happy Valentine's Day"... or "Valentine, you make my heart 'flutter'!"
Tanner's had race cars on them ($1 for a 10 pack of cars from Honks!) and they say "Racin' in to say Happy Valentine's Day" and "I never 'tire' of your friendship."
I think the kids liked them, because I sent extras just in case some broke or we miscounted and I was hoping to save them for cousins... however when the kids on the bus found out what they had in their bags at the end of the day, they were gone in seconds!
And I have to brag about my sweet hubby, who took the kids to Wal-Mart and let them pick out gifts for Mom. I got a pot of tulips, a big helium balloon, some sparkling grape juice, and lots of candy! And we all had a great time using our extra heart stickers to make Valentine's for each other. I have about 50 cards that say "I luv yoo mom!" What a great holiday!
I think the kids liked them, because I sent extras just in case some broke or we miscounted and I was hoping to save them for cousins... however when the kids on the bus found out what they had in their bags at the end of the day, they were gone in seconds!
And I have to brag about my sweet hubby, who took the kids to Wal-Mart and let them pick out gifts for Mom. I got a pot of tulips, a big helium balloon, some sparkling grape juice, and lots of candy! And we all had a great time using our extra heart stickers to make Valentine's for each other. I have about 50 cards that say "I luv yoo mom!" What a great holiday!