Ian to Human Dictionary

Awhile back Ashlyn asked me when Ian would start speaking human... and I think that we are finally there. At least I understand about 90% of what he says. Sometimes it takes a few days of him saying the same word until it clicks with the meaning. Here are a few that I have discovered this past week:

"Mudslide" = Exercise, as in, "Mom, me get lots of 'mudslide.'"
"Giraffe" = Craft, as in, "What should we do today Ian?" "Giraffes!"
"Hot Coffee" = Walkie Talkie, as in, "Come on Tanner lets get 'hot coffees' and talk on 'hot coffees.'"

There are lots more and some that I haven't figured out yet, but these were my favorites this week!

Ian is also very excited for his sister. He felt her kick the other day and I said, "Ian should we spank the naughty baby for kicking you?" To which he quickly replied, "No spank the baby! Baby not naughty, she a happy baby!" I sure hope he's right!


Kris saidā€¦
I just want to pick up that darling Ian and squeeze him to pieces right now! I kind of hate to see him start speaking "human" because he's so darn cute speaking "Ian"!