Zac and I are pretty lame when it comes to following sports. Don't get me wrong, we love sports and we like to play them, but I have just never found the joy in watching other people play them, professionals or not. However, we decided to tune in on Superbowl Sunday to see what teams had made the bowl this year. Unlike their parents, our little boys are big fans of football and became very excited to sit and watch the game. They got out their daddy's old football jerseys and both found a football to toss around. They both decided that they would cheer for the Indianapolis Colts, Ian because he liked their blue jerseys, and Tanner because he had checked out a book about Peyton Manning and the Colts at the library. Though Ashlyn didn't want to put on a jersey, she surprised us all at her mad skills at catching and throwing a football. She now says that she thinks she would like to play on Tanner's football team next year, (we'll see!).
Here are the boys showing Mom their fabulous touchdown dance!