Five Years in the Making

The first article that I ever sold FINALLY came out today. I just so happened to write it five years ago (the twins were babies and now they are in Kindergarten!). I got a $25 check for it and a copy of the magazine. I know it isn't much, but it sure is exciting to know that kids are reading my stories. It is fun to see my words illustrated and it is just one more thing to add to a resume. Now maybe in the next 25 years I can get a book deal?

Another exciting writing note is that I sold a piece to Disney's Family Fun Magazines "Great Idea" department. It will pay $100, but they haven't told me yet when it will come out. That one will feature a picture of Tanner and mention all of my kids' names. We are excited to see that one. Hopefully, it comes out before they are in Junior High.

Boys' Quest February 2010 issue

I know you can't read it and the illustrations are kind of creepy, but the piece is about Jim Bridger and how he used to be a great story teller among mountain men.

This one is for my dad, who taught me everything I know about mountain men!


Adrianne Miller saidā€¦
That is so cool! When you are a famous author can you please not forget all of us little people? Thanks.
Goody Family saidā€¦
Congrats Lori! That is exciting.
Annie Bingham saidā€¦
I like the pictures! If I drew them they would have been much creepier, remember the scary clown picture that used to sing you to sleep?
Kris saidā€¦
You're making our family famous! How fun to see your name in a magazine!
Kris saidā€¦
If you double click on the article it is enlarged and I could read it great! How fun!