What Doesn't Kill Me, Can Only Make Me Stronger?

I don't know if I am going to survive Ian's toddlerhood. I don't know if Ian is going to survive toddlerhood? I mentioned in a previous blog how he locked himself in the camp trailer, well last night, he locked himself in Zac's work car in 80 degree weather and couldn't get out. He gave us such a scare! And you are probably thinking, why don't you watch your child better, but I swear to you that child can disapper in the blinking of an eye!

Like just last week I started to do the dishes, he was right next to me, then suddenly he wasn't. I went looking for him and he was in his room decorating with baby powder, and that was the second time he had done that. Why do I leave the powder in his reach? I don't, it was on the tallest shelf in his room, he had climbed up dressers to get to it.

Then there are times when his brother and sister leave out markers, glue, and scissors, in the twinkiling of an eye, he becomes his own craft project.
The laundry detergent is his sandbox.
He dumped a whole box of Bisquick on the floor when I was doing the dishes the other day and he is constantly in our vehicles trying to drive! Then there are his special soups he makes, sometimes with water from the fridge, and sometimes with toilet water. I put child locks on the bathroom doors, but Ashlyn and Tanner always forget to shut the door, and then Ian's open door radar kicks in and he is in the bathroom within seconds!

I seriously don't remember the twins being this hard and there were two of them! Did I just block out the memories?


Fillmore Fun saidā€¦
While publishing this post, Ian saw a bathroom door left open, ran in, pulled all of the drawers open and locked himself in! Sigh...
Tay Pam Smith saidā€¦
Lori, Hang in there! I LOVE reading your blogs...I've just not been very good at commenting. (A little busy, I guess!!) GOOD JOB on your novel. I'm so excited to read it when you get it complete...I'd love to proofread for you too, just give me a buzz! The glasses without lenses thing made me LAUGH so hard, because in college you always did your homework with them on too and I just sat and read your blog and had a couple of FLASHBACKS from college. THANKS for all the memories. You were the BEST ROOMMATE ever and I'm so glad we made that choice to room together. I'm PROUD of you in all your accomplishments and your POSITIVE outlook on everything. Your CAMP TRIP made me laugh, yet again!! Only you could turn that into such a WONDERFUL experience for your family! Love ya. See you this weekend for our 10 YEAR REUNION! YIKES!!
Adrianne Miller saidā€¦
This post made me laugh so hard. I loved the toilet water soup. Amazing!