Ian's 2nd birthday was May 23, and last week, he decided that he was big enough to climb out of his crib. He surprised me in the morning by flinging my door open. His shirt was off, and he was yelling, "I did it! I did it! Come see! My bed!" Then of course when I went to put him down for a nap the next day, it was a fun game to get right back out of bed and run into the hall and then me putting him back, saying "No! You will stay in your crib, mom needs this time to regain my sanity!" After putting him back in 12 different times, Zac and I decided it was time for the toddler bed. He helped his daddy build it, and so far he has stayed in it! This morning he even got up and got some toys and stories and then got back into his bed until I came in. This is him at naptime today. Isn't he precious! Oh and on another happy note, he stayed in Nursery today all by himself without screaming, not even once. This is a huge accomplishment for us. My baby boy is growing up!