The Best Worst Camping Trip

Our best worst camping trip started with the planned ward campout. It was set for the second to last weekend in June. We were excited to get out and use our trailer. Tuesday morning, I was in town, so I stopped and dropped some good cash on all kinds of camping treats. Within 30 minutes of buying camp specific groceries, Zac called and said that the campout had been cancelled due to rain. I had watched the weather forcast and it said it was supposed to be sunny and warm for the weekend, so I insisted that we go anyways.
I got the trailer all packed and ready and even filled the water tank myself. Somehow, though, we forgot to charge the thing and so had no power to run the fridge, or lights, or pump for the toilet. We took off down the road and Zac noticed that I had not shut the valve to the water tank and it was leaking. I got out and fixed it, then we took off. Halfway there, we were all but out of gas. We pulled in to get gas and discovered that neither of us had brought our wallets. We had to go all the way home! We finally got our wallets, got our gas, and were on our way. When we got to "our" spot, we found that girl's camp was in full swing, and we had to head back down the road to find a new spot.
We found the perfect spot and set up camp. With a generator, we had temporary power, however we soon discovered that I must not have closed the water tank nozzle tight enough because we had NO water! We still had some drinking water in a cooler and a creek that ran nearby provided us with some neccessity water. THEN it started to rain, and rain, and rain!
When it finally stopped raining, we took the kids on a nature hike to see how many different kinds of wild flowers we could find. It was beautiful! Then I saw the most beautiful flower sitting in the middle of a field, I had to have it for my collection. Half-way through the field, I discovered that I was running through stinging nettle with shorts on! Ouch! Did I mention that the mosquitos were also thick?
Then we had a night of more rain, a 2-year old that screamed all night, and then the next day locked himself in the trailer!!! It took us a good 30-45 minutes to get him out, in attempts that involved Zac shoving me in the cargo hold with my arms extended above my head in a space tighter than a casket.
Though it sounds dreary, we actually had a fantastic time and had the most beautiful spot to camp in. We may be brave enough to try it again in a few weeks! Oh, and the picture above isn't of our camping trip, because when I tried to take a picture I found out the camera was dead... but the picture is of a drive we took a couple of weeks ago and found these huge fields of gerber daisys, it was breathtaking!