The Great Puppy Project

A little over two years ago, we lost our good old girl Phoenix the German Shepherd.  Tanner has always been a boy who needs a dog and Mom and Dad weren't filling that puppy void fast enough.  Every day we were finding posts for dogs left on all of our computers and devices.  Eventually, this smart boy formulated a plan to breed and sell puppies with the idea that it could help pay for his mission and college expenses.  Together we researched dog breeds and settled on Golden Retrievers, who may just be the happiest, family-friendly, and smartest breed out there.

After searching for our forever friend, we settled on Bailey.

And two years later, it was finally time to begin the Great Puppy Project!  And after years of research and leg work, our first litter was born on July 10th, 2020.
I wish I could say it went 100% smooth, and it almost did, but Bailey went into labor in the middle of the night two nights before the puppies were due and we didn't know and they were born under our deck on a cold, windy, and damp night.  10 puppies were born, but unfortunately, one was dead by the time we could get to it and Bailey was a bit of a frantic mess when we moved the puppies from under the dirty deck and into the clean, warm garage.

And now every morning for the last six weeks has been like Christmas.  We have yet to grow tired of running out to snuggle those cute little bundles of fur.  Tanner was able to sell every puppy within 48 hours of posting them for sale!  And though it has been pretty easy going as to the workload for the last 6 weeks, it is going to possibly kill us to say goodbye to these fur babies that we have grown to love!
