Oh Baby!

Surprise!  I am pregnant again for the 6th time.  Am I crazy?  Yes.  On another note, we get to go have an ultrasound this week and we will find out the gender of this baby.  We were mentioning this fact to the kids over dinner last night and they wanted to know how the doctor could tell if it was a girl baby or a boy baby.  So I asked them, "What is different about boys and girls that the doctor could look at to know what the baby is?"  Here is their answers:

Ashlyn: "Do they look at their voice box?  I remember one time you told me that boys have a little bit different voice box than girls."
Me: "Nope, not the voice box.  What is an even bigger difference between boys and girls?"
Charlotte: "Girls have long hair and boys have short hair."
Me:  "Mostly true, but not how they tell if the baby is a boy or a girl."
Ian:  "Boys usually get bigger than girls.  A boy would be bigger."
Me:  "Seriously guys?"
Tanner: (blushing)... "I know what you are talking about, (whispers) they look down there (pointing to the correct anatomy)."

When I confirmed that Tanner was correct, the kids were shocked and appalled.  How indecent of our new baby to not wear any clothes and proudly display his or her gender for the world to see.  And hopefully he or she will show us his/her gender, because I am dying to know what the final addition to our family will bring.

What do you think?  I will put a poll on the blog above the kids pictures and you can vote until Thursday.  The ultrasound takes place at 8:30 a.m.


Jade saidā€¦
YAY! YAY! YAY! Congratulations! You are crazy, but you've always been the very best kind of crazy -- the fun, adventurous crazy. Hope the pregnancy goes smoothly. So happy for you.
Holly saidā€¦
Oh my gosh, first of all CONGRATULATIONS! You are the best mommy around and I think it's AWESOME you are adding another to your sweet little family! And two- that whole conversation was HILARIOUS! Thanks for the laugh!!!! ;) We miss you guys!
Adrianne Miller saidā€¦
If anyone can handle 6 kiddos, it is you! So excited for you!