Exciting... Siding!

We have been in this house now since the end of February and at any given time we are still working on projects to finish up the house.  A couple of weeks ago, we finally finished the exterior with some very impressive looking siding.  And now the exterior is complete... not to mention with the completion of our master bathroom walk-in shower a couple of months ago, the interior is now also complete (with the exceptions of a few odds and ends here and there, but no major projects).  What will we do with all our time?  Oh yeah, landscaping...

Back Covered Patio Area

Side View 
Through the whole process, Daddy was very lucky to have the best little helper.  Bronson was more than happy to pound anything that needed to be pounded with a hammer.  He also used a Sharpie to write on several pieces of siding and used a can of spray paint to blast himself in the face.  Oh, what a dilemma for a mother when something like that happens, do I help the kid, or run for the camera.ļ»æ
