
Sometimes we as adults get so caught up in our own fears (employment, health, war, etc.) that we forget that even though our kids fears can seem so silly they are indeed very real and terrifying...

Here an episode of Ducktales became quite intense in the van...

It came out all right in the end, it turns out that the ghost hound was actually just a real hound sprinkled with glowing powder... no worries!

And this is how Charlotte spends her time during thunderstorms... 
She is usually singing at the top of her lungs to drown out the sound of thunder.  One of her favorite songs lately is "I will Love You For a Thousand Years" by Christina Perri-- however she likes to sing it, "I will love you for a thousand BUCKS and I will love you for a thousand MORE."  Not quite sure what inspired her to change the lyrics, it certainly does change the meaning!!!

And here is what scares me... on my birthday I took Charlotte and myself to the Beauty Parlor for haircuts.  This was an Aha! moment for Char as she had never realized before that you could use scissors for cutting hair of all things!  The other day I heard that ominous cutting noise that you can just tell is the sound of hair being cut from a mile away and I went running, but got there a little late... she had already taken two really good size chunks out of her hair :(

Her Aunt Lyndsay told her it would grow back and now if anyone comments on it, she gets upset and says, "It WILL grow back you know!"



Powell's Place saidā€¦
Oh, the hair cutting begins! Hopefully she decided that she doesn't like telling people that it will grow back and that will stop her from ever doing it again haha.
Goody Family saidā€¦
It WILL grow back, and you can't even tell. She is cute no matter what!
Tiffany saidā€¦
ha ha ha my kids LOVE Duck Tales!!!! That hound is pretty scary lol