My Blog Will Never Be the Same

For awhile now I have been lusting after a DSLR-camera (not that I am camera savy or anything, I even just now had to look up DSLR to make sure I was using the right term).  But I love the quality of pictures that come from them and I had a desire to learn. 
With my birthday being last month I was able to receive some generous donations from my in-laws and my parents and I was able to apply that money towards a camera... though I have to admit I almost chickened out several times when I thought of the expense, but my dear husband researched the cameras for me, found the one that he thought I would want, and ordered it for me, or I would have probably never gone through with it!  Love you Zac :)

And oh boy do I love it!  It is so much fun and I am learning so much.  We live in such a fun day and age when so much can be learned at home off the Internet.  There is so much to learn and so much more to buy that I have a new skill  to keep me busy for life.

Here is some of what I have learned so far.

Aperture:  A term that scared the crap out of me and almost convinced me that I wasn't smart enough to learn something new.  Turns out it means keeping an item in sharp focus while blurring the background...

Shutter Speed:  Oh I am having much fun with this one.  I get to control how long my shutter stays open, either pausing my object in mid-motion...

Or giving him that bionic man blur... 

Fast Shutter: 

Slooooowwww Shutter: 

ISO:  Okay, so don't know really how to explain ISO other than I need to change it around when I am in manual mode when I go inside and outside and the lighting changes.  I am sure I have some more to learn here, but here are some pictures I took of Ashlyn with different ISO's.

See the difference here? 

Love this girl! 

And learning about flash and natural lighting/ shooting at different times of the day... Here are some of the beautiful sunsets we get at our new home: 

Natural light: 


Motion and Shutter Speed: 

Lighting up Eyes: 

Sorry, more aperture, this one escaped from the aperture section... 

I have learned so much just by reading my manual from cover to cover and watching online tutorials.  I look forward to taking a class in the next month or so and reading and practicing until I have so many pictures I could wallpaper my house with them.

In fact, I already had to go through 700 photos on my SD card and weeded them down to 200 and it is almost impossible to just pick a few to stick on the blog because I love them all.

Thank you Martineau Parents, Powell Parents, and Zac.  What a great birthday present!


Powell's Place saidā€¦
You are going to LOVE your camera! One tip that really helped me is to figure out your "highlights" too (it shows you if your whites are too bright), and also the histogram (shows your exposure in a fun mountain of red, blue, green colors. You want the histogram to be pretty much centered. Good luck learning! It's seriously so much fun!