Oh Goody, A Baptism Photo Shoot!

My amazing photographer sister Lyndsay, so graciously accepted my invitation to shoot photos of the kids in their baptism apparel so that I could have some pictures to display for the big day.  Choosing to let the kids wear their baptism finery before the big day was a huge gamble on my part and before we even got in the van, Ashlyn had ketchup, yes ketchup, on her baptism dress... don't ask me how this happens?!?  Fortunately, it wiped off!!!

The weather held out and the location was so beautiful that some of the pictures look like a scenic screen that they use in the department store photography shoots.

I absolutely love how they turned out!  See for yourself...

Now for the hard part, which ones to order and display?  Thanks Lyndsay!


Annie Bingham said…
The bottom 2 pics are my fav, the second to last being the most fav. You sure have good kids.
USA said…
Ok...ok! It's been TOO LONG since I've checked out your blog! I am so sorry I missed your kids baptism. I totally would've driven down to that! They are so sweet and special. THank you for your posts. They make me tear up. You and Zac are such great parents and examples. I wish so badly I could be more like you guys! You just have it all together and I appreciate your examples to me! I can't believe your babies are 8! I'm so proud of them. I want you to tell them that for me! Take care! Love and miss you guys!