Why it pays to check your pockets when you do the laundry...
Early in my marriage I learned to always check pockets before doing the laundry. Especially after incidents involving pink jeans and orange crayon stained whites... which has also inspired my husband to thoroughly check his pockets before I do the laundry. Therefore, the amount of treasures that I find in pockets lately have been few and far between. However, a $5 bill in Zac's pants pockets last week encouraged me to keep checking and this is what I found in Zac's shirt pocket today...
It says, "My wife, because she is resourceful, smart, fun, pretty, pretty good @ everything, educator, funny, she is brave, practical, happy, & my friend."
This was in response to an activity that we participated in at a Blue & Gold Scout banquet that we attended with Tanner last week. The question was, "What one person or thing would you take with you if you were stranded on a desert island?"
This was the perfect reward for doing the laundry today.
I choose you too honey, I couldn't get through a day without you. I love you Zac!