Fillmore Love

What a wonderful holiday Valentine's Day is.  We truly had a wonderful week celebrating the ones we love.  Here are some of the highlights...
Valentine's sugar cookies!  This girl gets really serious about decorating AND just so you know, I do comb her hair, every day in fact and it is usually ponytailed and cute (for about five minutes), but I am noticing everytime I post a picture of her, it looks like she stuck something in the electric socket (which is also usually the case).

Check out the amount of sprinkles on that cookie!

Making each cookie a masterpiece, did I ever mention this girl loves to decorate cookies?

A special Valentine cookie made just for mom, what a sweet boy!

Okay, so Tanner came home with a note from school that said he would need to provide his own Valentine's box to hold his Valentine's from his classmates.  I thought, sure, I can just give him a shoebox and some construction paper and badda bing, Valentine's Box.  Zac said, "What are you kidding me, the box can't look like a Box... it has to be something way cooler than that..."  Apparently, Valentine's boxes were a big deal to Zac growing up.  So after a brainstorming session with Tanner, and lots of glue, tape, tupperwares, plastc bags, more tape, and some spray paint, the boys came up with this...

Yes it is a Valentine's shark box.  I guarantee that no one in the school had a box as cool as this one.  Tanner loves it so much that it will have a special place in his room when Valentine's Day is long past.

Every year I swear I am just going to buy a box of Valentine's for the kids to give out, and then without fail every year, I start seeing all of the cute Valentine's there are to make and find myself trapped making 70 Valentine's and spending far more than we would have to just buy the darn things.

These are Ian's super hero Valentine suckers that he gave to his preschool class. 
They say, "Have a Super Valentine's Day".  He loved them and we had a ball making them together.

Tanner's Valentines, complete with real matchbox cars.

And when Ashlyn saw these that these Valentine's came with a stick of gum, she was sold.  She didn't even care what they looked like or said, she is just all about the gum.

Ashlyn's Valentine for her teacher, it is hand lotion with a hand that says "Mrs. Simmons, you deserve a hand."  And she really does.

Zac's surprise Valentines for me and the kids.  He is so sweet and thoughtful.  Notice the little puppy dog slippers for the new baby :)

Tanner's Valentine for his teacher.  It had flower seeds and says, "Mrs. Radford, Thanks for helping my love for learning to grow!"

Zac also gifted the family 100 piece puzzle that he thought we could all work on later that night as a family project.  Ian blew his mind when he did the whole thing by himself that morning.
Don't you just love the shirt he chose to wear on Valentine's Day?  I just love seeing what outfits he comes up with for himself in the mornings.  In fact I just looked over at him now and his pants are on backwards.  I love this age.  And I love my friends, and family, both immediate and extended.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


Kris saidā€¦
And I just love to read your fun blog and see what those darling kids have come with next....
USA saidā€¦
I also just love reading your blog! You are a FABULOUS mother and so good to keep your kids thinking. I just love you and hope you had a great Valentine week last week! Good luck with this new addition, coming soon!