My Big Little Boy

We came home from church to our neighbor digging in his yard with a mini-ex (or mini excavator with those of you who don't have little boys obsessed with machinary). Zac sat and watched out the window with longing in his eyes just looking for something he could dig up in our yard. I turned my back for 5 minutes and this is what I saw, note the shirt and tie! At least my garden got tilled... so much for keeping the Sabbath day holy?


Lori, I love it!! The shirt and tie just add such a nice touch. I just can't really think of an equivalent to the boy obsession with machinery for girls? Any ideas. I swear there just isn't anything that comes close!!
Fillmore Fun saidā€¦
If I was a typical girl, I might say shopping or shoes, or something to that effect. But for me, I guess it would be kitchen gadgets!