I am going to make us all sick!

Okay, so I am not the best singer, I am over it. I have other talents and that is okay. Zac and I have been trying to teach our kids about promptings from the Holy Ghost. When they do something naughty, sometimes I will ask, didn't you hear the Holy Ghost whisper in your heart that you shouldn't do that? So the other day when I was singing while I cleaned the bathroom and Tanner came in to tell me that Jesus had told him something in his heart, I became very excited.

Me: "What did Jesus tell you Tanner?"

Tanner: "If you don't stop singing, your going to make us all sick!"

So I did stop singing, and no one is sick, but I still question whether or not that was a real prompting!


Brandon saidā€¦
I'm going to be laughing about this one for days. That's so funny.

Talmage used to tell me I was "a little flat". Now he just insists on Aaron singing to him at night.
Fillmore Fun saidā€¦
Well, he is not the only one, because tonight I was singing to Ian and he kept slapping his hand over my mouth saying, NO SONG! And the twins used to yell at me when I sang along in the van, I must be really awful!!
Hilariouse. Sounds like you have some very creative kids!! It's so neat to see all you do with your kids and the great mom you've become!!